Snapquiz - Cells

This is the Snapquiz on Cells. Click here or use the embedded video if you haven't watched the lesson yet.

Question 1. What is the function of the cell wall?

It lets substances in and out of the cell.
It's where reactions take place in the cell.
It gives the cell a tougher, more rigid surface.
It produces proteins for the cell.

Question 2. What is the function of the cell membrane?

It controls the cell.
It gives the cell a tougher, more rigid surface.
It lets substances in and out of the cell.
It's where reactions take place in the cell.

Question 3. What is the function of the nucleus?

It lets substances in and out of the cell.
It controls the cell.
It produces proteins for the cell.
It produces energy from glucose for the cell.

Question 4. What feature is different to animal cells in bacteria?

They don't have ribosomes.
They don't have a cell membrane.
They have a cell wall.
They don't store their DNA in a central nucleus.

Question 5. What is the function of the ribosomes?

They're where photosynthesis takes place to store energy from sunlight.
They produce energy from glucose for the cell.
They control the cell.
They produce proteins for the cell.

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