Snapquiz - Collision Theory

This is the Snapquiz on Collision Theory. Click here or use the embedded video if you haven't watched the lesson yet.

Question 1. Why does increasing temperature increase the rate of reaction?

There's more chance of particles colliding because they're moving faster.
There's more chance of particles colliding because there's a place for them to meet.
There's more chance of particles colliding because there's more of them in a given volume.
There's more chance of particles colliding because there's a greater area for them to come into contact.

Question 2. Some catalysts are very expensive. Why is it still economical to use them in some cases?

They're the only way to manufacture a product.
If they weren't used for the reaction they would just go to waste.
The manufacturers can buy them cheaper in bulk.
They aren't used up in a reaction.

Question 3. Why does increasing concentration increase the rate of reaction?

There's more chance of particles colliding because there's a place for them to meet.
There's more chance of particles colliding because there's a greater area for them to come into contact.
There's more chance of particles colliding because they're moving faster.
There's more chance of particles colliding because there's more of them in a given volume.

Question 4. Which conditions would give the fastest reaction?

1 gram of iron filings in 0.5 molar acid.
A 1 gram iron nail in 0.5 molar acid.
1 gram of iron filings in 1.0 molar acid.
A 1 gram iron nail in 1.0 molar acid.

Question 5. Why are catalysts desirable to manufacturers?

They increase the cost, making the products more valuable.
They slow the rate of a reaction, allowing it to be carefully controlled.
They allow reactions to happen more safely.
They allow reactions to happen at lower temperatures, reducing heating costs.

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