Snapquiz - The Limestone Cycle

This is the Snapquiz on The Limestone Cycle. Click here or use the embedded video if you haven't watched the lesson yet.

Question 1. What is formed when we add any carbonate to an acid?

An alkaline solution.
Hydrogen and carbon dioxide.
A salt and carbon dioxide.
A salt and hydrogen.

Question 2. What does "thermal decomposition" mean, when referring to the limestone cycle?

It breaks down into simpler compounds when heated.
It gives out heat as it breaks down.
It uses heat to rot away.
It rots under hot conditions.

Question 3. What is the standard test for carbon dioxide?

Add it to water, and it will raise the pH of the water.
Introduce a smouldering wooden spill, and it will reignite.
Bubble it through limewater, where it will form a white calcium carbonate precipitate.
Attempt to light it with a lit wooden spill, and it will cause a "squeaky pop" noise.

Question 4. What is formed when we strongly heat limestone?

Calcium carbonate.
Calcium oxide.
Calcium hydroxide.

Question 5. How do we form calcium hydroxide?

Add water to limestone.
Dissolve limestone in acid.
Add water to calcium oxide.
Add water to calcium carbonate.

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