Snapquiz - The Central Nervous System and Reflexes

This is the Snapquiz on The Central Nervous System and Reflexes. Click here or use the embedded video if you haven't watched the lesson yet.

Question 1. Which organ is sensitive to the presence of chemicals?

The ears.
The skin.
The eyes.
The tongue.

Question 2. Which organ is used to sense the direction of gravity?

The tongue.
The ears.
The nose.
The eyes.

Question 3. How do nervous impulses travel away from the central nervous system towards the organ which needs to respond?

Along a sensory neurone.
Along a relay neurone.
Along a motor neurone.
Across a synapse.

Question 4. In a reflex action, which organ decides how to respond?

The brain.
The effector.
The receptor.
The spinal cord.

Question 5. What do we call an organ which responds to an impulse from the nervous system?

A collector.
A connector.
A receptor.
An effector.

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